I got this award from Nicole & Esmeralda, with this 4 cups "Trust", "Kindness". Honestly" & "Caring".....so special award, thanks my dear friend :)
i would like pass this award to all my dear frien, welcome all to grab it
早在一个星期前,我一直呼吁身边的人一定要响应这保护地球的运动,包括我本身雄心勃勃的告诉老公我们一定要参与。理由多多的老公原本反对息灯一小时这运动, 但遇上坚持的我他也无可奈何的接受。
上个星期六,我的弟弟和妹妹突然约我去唱K,原本就歌唱的很烂的我很不想赴约, 可是我那从来没去过KTV的妈妈突然好想去见识见识。没办法, 为了妈妈和弟妹,我只好带着凌瑄一起去 Jusco Bkt Tinggi 的Green Box Sing K.
可是还来不及洗澡,而身为地球一份子的我们也是时候履行这责任了。我们跟着8TV一起熄灯。只是关掉家里所有的灯和风扇, 冰箱依然开着因为里面有一盒我还没吃完的 ice-cream…..hahaha….
我带凌瑄坐在门边( 比较没那么热嘛),老公则在车房洗车。凌瑄问我为什么要关灯,我告诉她,我们要爱护地球因为地球破洞了,可是我不懂为什么会破洞(我不会解释)。
后来我反问会凌瑄,为什么要关灯, 她回答说:“要爱护地球因为地球破洞了,我不懂啦!!!” (哈哈,好有趣喔!)
I bought this sticker album at pasar pagi Banting on last Sunday (
After reach pasar, we go to the 1st stall to search for the sticker album. This stall didn’t sell the blank album, all are colouring book attach with few page sticker, Ling Sien was felt disappointed. After that, we go to another stall which mostly sell toys & hang some sticker at side. I didn’t see any sticker album display, so I try to ask the boss, haha…so lucky we able to find the blank sticker album at last. They keep this album inside the box which put besides their van, they did not display out.
The sticker albums have variety design on cover, which include Ultraman, Mickey Mouse, Barbie, Cinderella & WTP. Ling Sien at 1st aim on the Ultraman (dunno since when she feel interested on Ultraman), but I try to pursued her to choose the WTP, I told her ultraman is for boy one. Hehe….finally she take the WTP sticker album, wow….so happy can complete this mission. This album was cost RM3.00 per book.
Little story bout my best experience being a mom:
凌瑄的老师叫着 Aunty Thia,她的老师体型蛮高大的,稍微有点胖。 有一天我在帮凌瑄洗澡, 然后帮她洗颈项, 突然她这样问我:
凌瑄 :mummy, 大人有颈项吗?
凌瑄:Aunty Thia 呢?
Mummy:你看 Aunty Thia 有颈项吗?
凌瑄: 没有喔,Aunty Sher 才有。(Aunty Sher 是隔壁班的老师, 很廋的)
Mummy: ????
自从凌瑄上幼儿园后, 时常连姓带称呼的叫我们。 我变成了cheong mummy, 老公是 cheong papa,而凌瑄自己是 cheong girl girl.。 起初她是叫我们`yong’ papa 和 `yong’ mummy 的,我也不明白为什么她会讲 yong 这个姓氏, 我们家没人姓 yong 的可能是她班上的同学姓名吧!后来我纠正她我们是cheong family, 那她才慢慢改。其实不只我们, 连其他长辈她也会这么叫:
连她的表姐兼玩伴原姓 GUN 的也变成了 CHEONG shi yun!
My family photo was won at mumcenter weekly photo contest. I really felt happy & appreciate all voter's support....THANKSSSS all my dear friend @_@
i never win any photo contest, this is my 1st winning. i try to join last yr on the mumcenter, but i did not win. After that, this contest was close for certain period, this yr they having again, i really felt happ i can win at last .
I also submit my gal photo to join young children category, but didnt win, anyway i need to THANKSSSS to all friend's support & vote, i appreciated
dear all, plsss kindly help me to vote my family & Girl2 photo as below's link: